i am sic


You may as well give up then

I went to the Wäscherei to catch up on some laundry. The place had self-serve facilities open until eleven, and full-serve open until eight. At halb neun (half past eight), while I was putting my stuff in, a man came running in. He asked me where the full-serve staff person was. My pants! She has my pants.

I told him she'd gone. This seemed to represent the end of the world as he knew it. I suggested he come back in the morning.

But I have no wife! Who will iron my pants?

Lost in the past

Took a detour along the way from Munich to Amsterdam. I'm in Lindau, where once upon a time I spent a summer.

It's pouring rain. Will leave soon to head back to Frankfurt, where I'll stay another night. I leave for Amsterdam in the morning.



In Munich now. Can't think of anything interesting to say. Train ride was uneventful. Hostel is okay. Has rained most of the time since I got here.